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ADOPTED: Juniper Bean

Hello, my name is Juniper!

Just like the coniferous seed my name is inspired by, the spunk of my personality makes me a wonderful part of my family and among my siblings. It's balanced out by my calm, easy-going, independent side that's always made me comfortable when I'm by myself, even more so than all my other littermates.

Like the rest of the litter, I'm a brown tabby with no markings. Trying to distinguish us is fun - we all have unique faces. But most notably, I am the one with the shortest fur and shed the least, which doesn't tickle your nose too badly when you give me kisses.

I've got a cool head and don't mind taking a nap or exploring the house by myself. Still, it's fun to spend time with my sister Tansy, who is looking for a new home - just like me! She and I like to play by racing and jumping on and over each other. When a toy comes out I tend to follow it carefully and wait for my moment tactfully, and when play time is over and bed time approaches, I don't mind at all and am happy to rest with or without others to cuddle with.

Every once in a while, I'll come over and talk to you to let you know I'd like some gentle petting and affection. The rest of the time I'm happy to get my socializing in with my furry family by playing and cuddling. I'm only 6 months old but you'll be amazed how calm, cool, and collected I am for my age.

I also like when the TV is on and will enjoy watching a movie or show calmly when I've had my fill of playing.

Of course I've had all my kitten visits to see the vet and have a clean bill of health. I've got all my vaccines for the year, and take prevention medicine every month so I don't have any gross pests or parasites. I've learned to sit calmly while getting my nails trimmed, and been naturally conditioned to good belly rubs and paw handling and even the sound of loud music and vacuums. If you ask me, I'm pretty awesome.

Any home would be happy with me in it, and I would love to be a part of yours.


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